Thursday, February 20,2020
“Strength In The Secret Place”

by Dona Hake
Our Lord desires to hide us in our day of trouble, and time of weakness. But I encourage you today to ponder that God desires to hide us even when all is well. How easy at times it is for us to forget our need for Him in every little detail of our life when all is going well.
Oh the beauty of being able to dwell in the secret place of the Almighty God, and be continually strengthened by Him AT ALL TIMES. It is vital that we purpose to stay in His presence, for in His presence is fullness of joy, and the joy of the Lord is our strength.
As we continue to ponder His strength I encourage you today to be intentional relative to the dwelling place of your heart and your mind. May we keep an awareness of Him walking with us throughout our day. He desires that you stay in the secret place He has provided just for you. It is as we do this our hearts will be strengthened by Him continually, our minds will be focused on Him and we will go forth in His secret strength!
“You’re as real to me as bedrock beneath my feet,
like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress,
my mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape,
my tower of rescue where none can reach me.
My secret strength and shield around me,
you are salvation’s ray of brightness shining on
the hillside, always the champion of my cause.
All I need to do is to call to you,
singing to you,
the praiseworthy God. When I do,
I’m safe and sound in you.”
Psalm 18:2-3 -The Passion Translation