Devotional 7/9/20
“The Undivided Heart”

by Dona Hake
I would like to continue our study from Proverbs 3.
“Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong.”
Proverbs 3:7 – The Passion Translation
I love this scripture for it is a good healthy warning to all of us. Anyone of us could fall prey to such an attitude, and how sad this is in the eyes of God. We should always be willing to listen to correction and instruction. Surely if one continues in a “know it all attitude“ they are heading into the devil’s snare which is living in the sin of pride, and pride always comes before a fall.
In the book of James he tells us that wisdom will come to our hearts and minds when we need it. All we have to do is admit we do not know what to do or which way to turn, and then humbly ask Him for the wisdom you need. One with a “know it all attitude” will be too proud to ask for help, and that pride will keep them from doing that which is right in the sight of the Lord. Again… we must diligently guard our hearts and ask ourselves the question “are we conforming to the ways of this world or are we in the process of constant transformation before the Lord our God ? The heart that is being pulled and tugged by the ways of this world is being conformed to it. This is the heart that is divided.
God is looking to and fro for the heart that is undivided . Oh how He delights in the heart that avoids anything that is wrong. When we desire an undivided heart toward God, we are desiring to live passionately for Him. God loves a passionate heart!!
“I have longed for you with the passion of my heart; don’t let me stray from your directions!”
Psalm 119:10 -The Passion Translation
“Give me an understanding heart so that I can passionately know and obey your truth.”
Psalm 119:34 – The Passion Translation