by Dona Hake
I just went threw my husband’s container where he keeps his change. My mission was to find one shiny penny, and two older ones. I grabbed my primitive flag and created this image for you. I thought it would be an excellent visual for this devotional.
I can remember reading a story once of a man that never walked by a penny if it was laying on the street. He provoked me to do the same. I used to walk by pennies and leave them lay. After all, it is just a penny…the smallest sum of money there is. This man said that he would deliberately pick up the penny and hold it on the side of Abraham Lincoln’s head and read the words outloud “In God We Trust.” He shared how this little moment would remind him to just trust in God even in the smallest of things.
As I laid these pennies on my flag I also want to remind you to be thankful for your freedoms that you enjoy every day. This is NOT a little thing, for many have sacrificed their life for your freedoms. Many have paused their life and walked away from their family for a period of time just to serve their country. Today and everyday, pause and thank God for your freedoms.
Now back to the penny….I encourage you the next time you have opportunity and you see one little penny laying on the ground, purposely reach down and pick it up, and allow it to remind you to trust in God for the smallest of things in your life. He cares about the smallest of details. He knows of the smallest details in your life that you are not even aware of. To this day when I see a penny I will now pick it up and say out loud, “In God I will trust!” Whether the penny is bright and shiny or old and dull, it still stirs me to remember a really big thing.