by Dona Hake
Have you ever walked through a dark time or a time in which you felt confused… lacking direction and feeling all alone. Sadly there may even be those times that those that are close to you were not able to discern that you were in need and troubled. We need to take hold of this my friend…our trust cannot be in family and friend’s ability to pick up that we need them. Praise God for those people that are in your life that in the past that may have discerned your need but ultimately your trust must always be in God.
I encourage your heart today to know that you are known by the One that knows every detail about you. Remember, He was the one that so tenderly put you together in your mother’s womb. He knows your day of trouble, and He understand your struggles. Be comforted in knowing that He sees your pure desire to please Him in all that you purpose to do as you keep your heart right before Him. Every strand of your hair on your head is numbered… What a loving and a great God we serve! He is more than enough and He is our faithful friend.
“As for you, every hair on your head has been counted.”
Matthew 10:30 – CJB VERSION