Devotional for Tuesday, March 5, 2019
“No Matter What It Is…”

by Dona Hake
Colossians 3:17 . Amplified Version
“…whatever you do (no matter what it is)
in word or deed, do everything in the Name
of the Lord Jesus (and independence on Him)
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Let us look closely at five words in this scripture translation from the Amplified version. They are… “No matter what it is… “. Those five words should be the “sieve” in which we run every thought, word and deed through. The Word of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit are also that sieve or safety net in which we can keep ourselves in check. This is the secret of maintaining a heart that is pure and humble before Him. It is that compass that will keep us on the right path. If our every word and deed is not honoring our Lord, then we need to stop and evaluate our words and actions. Ask the Holy Spirit, “Are my words and deeds honoring You?”
God is calling us to a place in which we are to be pure and holy, and pursuing to walk in godliness in every area of our life. May we be a people that He can shine His loving and glorious light through in Jesus Name. Today, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS…Do it all in the Name of Jesus!