Devotional for Tuesday, May 22, 2018
“Reflecting the Son To Those Around Us”

by Dona Hake
“How do you reflect the Son?” I was driving by a church one day and these were the words on the sign in front of the church. As I read these words they exhorted and stirred my heart. I began to think about the song I used to sing as a little girl…”This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…” The song went on …”Hide it under a bushel, NO! I gonna let it shine!” You know that God wants to use us to reflect the burning loving light of His love to a world that dwells in blinding darkness. This is not a little light but rather a great light that we possess in earthen vessels! This great light is His Son Jesus Christ!
I think the key word here in the song is ~Let~ it shine. Let defined is rather interesting and also thought provoking.
Let: let out, to divulge; make known.
to release from confinement, restraint.
How blessed and privileged we are to carry the light, life, and love of our Lord Jesus Christ within us. May we not be timid or feeling that the Lord cannot use us. Let us make His light known, and release it in our words and in our deeds. We are all lovingly and uniquely created and He uses us all in different ways as we permit Him to. Oh that we would ask for and seize the opportunities to be used by Him for the glory of His Kingdom! As we abide in Him, we can walk as He walked and conduct ourselves as Jesus did. This is how we will reflect the Son.
1 John 2: 6 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“Whoever says he abides in Him ought as a personal debt to walk and
conduct himself in the same way in which He walked and conducted