Devotional for Tuesday, May 28, 2019
“The Power of the Word LET”

by Dona Hake
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God, and trust also in me.“
John 14:1, new life translation.
LET… it’s a three letter word which can hold a lot of weight and power. Let means to allow or permit something.
Our scripture today from John 14:1 and it says “Don’t let your heart be troubled.” If we let our hearts and minds be troubled we are allowing and permitting the gate of our mind and soul to open up to the sin of worry. Anxiety and insecurity begin to take hold and rob our souls from the abundant life God intends for us to walk in. It will quench the work of His grace within us.
The next time worry or fear comes to disrupt the precious peace of God that you’re walking in make a decision to bring your concerns to the One who listens and cares so deeply about you. Spend time in his presence and place that thing with in his hands, and believe for him to take care of you and that which concerns you.