Devotional for Tuesday, November 13, 2018
“God Hears the Prayer of the Humble Heart”

by Dona Hake
Psalm 51:17 ERV
“The sacrifice that God wants is a humble spirit.
God, you will not turn away someone who comes with a humble heart
and is willing to obey you.”
The humble heart my friends…this is what our Lord is looking for….this is what He wants from us. Our loving God hears and listens intently to the cries of the man or woman with a humble heart. He diligently searches for that one that seeks to serve Him with a whole and pure heart untainted by the things that are against His will.
You may wonder who are those that truly reverence and humble themselves to His Name. It is the man or woman that consistently looks to Him every day to be the Lord of all things in their life. They understand that true humility will cause them to make everything that tries to challenge or stand against the Word of God to bow it’s knee quickly. God’s eyes look for those of a humble and dedicated heart, and He is attentive to their cry.
Psalm 145:18-19 TLB
“He is close to all who call on him sincerely.
He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust him; he
He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust him; he
hears their cries for help and rescues them.”
Father, we thank You this day that You desire to move in great ways in our lives. Help us to grow in our understanding of true humility for we know that this is so pleasing to Your heart. As we encounter needs in our lives, we ask in Your Name to meet our needs for Your Word says that You desire to perfect all that concerns us. Today we rejoice in Your provision over our lives, and we ask for Your help us to pursue true humility in our hearts. In Jesus Name, amen.