Devotional for Tuesday, September 26,, 2017
“Fresh Faith For Today”

by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared the scripture with you from Acts 17:28, “It is through Him that we are able to live, to do what we do, and to be who we are..” The Lord desires that we live IN Him in this life, and He desires we live every moment of our life by faith. He desires that we trust in Him with all of our hearts, and that we live this life in Him just as we depend upon Him for our next breath. We need not live by our own works but rather we should press in to live and move and flow from His heavenly abundance, grace and strength. Let us continue to build our faith and be mindful that our dependency must be upon Him for every moment we live. The strength we received yesterday was for yesterday’s needs. Tomorrow is a new day, and we must look to Him for new strength and provision for the needs of the day.
“The comfort you find in
a moment of faith will
be completely inadequate
for the next.”
Francois de Fenelon
It is our human nature to get caught up in special moments isn’t it? Some moments are so wonderful and just unforgettable. In this life we will be blessed to experience joyous moments that are above and beyond our belief. But then there are moments in which we will experience trials and the sorrows of this life. Jesus said those times would happen, and He has promised to be there for us when they do. Oh the joy of those sweet victories of those situations that seemed so impossible. May we rejoice in those victories, but know this my friend, we cannot live off of the fumes of yesterday’s faith and victories. We must continually press in and grow in our faith.
Today I encourage you to reflect on the wonderful victories and testimonies the Lord has blessed you with but remember that today is a new day with new demands, circumstances, and sometimes obstacles that are going to try to stop you. Look to Him with fresh faith, new strength and grace for this day, and live and move in Him by faith as you serve Him fresh today!