by Dona Hake
Have you heard this quote??
“Just because a thought comes into my head
does not mean it has to come
out of my mouth!”
Sometimes people can be so blunt with their words, and quite honestly I am taken back that they are not considering how they are affecting people with what they are saying. I tease at times in the course of discussing people like this and I always say, “Their edit button for their mouth is not working, or has just gone totally bad!!” Our mouths can be used as tools to bring encouragement, peace, and love. Our mouths can also be used to bring hurt, sarcasm, criticism, etc…. May we daily seek the Lord that our mouths and minds be used as instruments of His love and goodness to those around us. Let us look at the psalmist’s prayer about our thoughts and words being pleasing to the Lord.
“May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts
be pleasing even to you,
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 TLB
I think that this is such a wonderful prayer that we could never pray enough. Oh that we would ask the Lord more often, “Is what I just said okay Lord?” or “Lord Is my heart right in this matter? I think Jesus wants us to view Him as our best friend, and we should be allowing our best friend to challenge our heart and bring accountability in our lives. I value the times when I feel a tug at my heart from my Best Friend in those times that my thoughts or words are not pleasing to Him. When He is Lord of our life, we will truly welcome His admonishment and disciplines into our life.
The Lord has promised to help us with all things that pertain to life and godliness, so be encouraged that it is His heart to help you walk victoriously. Paul wrote in Philippians how to keep our thoughts in line with truth. If we just purpose to think on good things…those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report! Philippians 4:8.