Devotional 4/15/20
“Forever Joyful In His Presence”

by Dona Hake
We will be looking at ~joy~ over the next few days. Holding fast to the joy of the Lord helps us see every situation no matter how big or small through His eyes. His joy will cause us to rise above anything simply because His joy keeps us in a place of strength and endurance. It is in this place that WE ARE OVERCOMERS.
We will be looking at ~joy~ over the next few days. Holding fast to the joy of the Lord helps us see every situation no matter how big or small through His eyes. His joy will cause us to rise above anything simply because His joy keeps us in a place of strength and endurance. It is in this place that WE ARE OVERCOMERS.
It is in the simple things of this life that I find my Lord teaching me so often. He desires that I love this life, and face each and every situation in faith, peace and in His joy!
Earlier this week I woke up to hearing the heavy downpour of rain. I mean it was heavy and it was damp and cold out. My routine with our puppy is to go out first thing, and throw ball and play with her. She runs and runs like crazy chasing four different balls. This is her favorite thing! I began to think how I would just play with her inside and forget about doing the normal routine. Then I began to see those begging eyes pleading with me to go out with her.
I began to think about how rainy days seem gloomy and people’s moods change because of weather such as this. Did you ever notice how people complain more on rainy days? It even keeps people from going out and doing what they normally do. The more I thought about it I just made the decision to just go out in the pouring down rain and play with her regardless. Oh my! She could have cared less that the rain was making her soaking wet! She jumped in puddles and played with her whole heart. She was in her happy place, and rain was not going to change that. I was rather pleased with myself that I overcame thoughts of not wanting to do this with her.
I learned a little something from my puppy that day… (you know…the simple things in life). The Lord desires we stay in that place of joy that brings strength no matter what is going on around us. Tests and trials can be our “rainy days” but we need to continue about His will for us no matter what we feel or see going on. As we stay in His presence THERE IS JOY. Today I exhort you to grow in going forward not permitting distractions or anything else to be a hindrance from doing His will.
“…As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.”
Psalm 16:11 – The Voice
Psalm 16:11 – The Voice
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence
is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there
are pleasures forevermore.”
Psalm 16:11 Amplified Version
Psalm 16:11 Amplified Version