Devotional 8/19/20
“Do You Treasure His Wisdom Within You?”

by Dona Hake
Over the next few days we will be looking at the second chapter of Proverbs. In verse one, Solomon asks the question…
“My child, will you treasure my wisdom? Then, and only then, will you acquire it. And only if you accept my advice and hide it within will you succeed.”
Proverbs 2:1 – TPT
As we read this scripture I would like us to jump into the book of James, and observe what James says about wisdom.
“And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace.”
James 1:5 – TPT
The thought that I desire for you to ponder with these scriptures is first of all God knows where we lack in His wisdom before we even have clue we are in need of it. He loves to overwhelm us with His generous gifts, and He loves when we come to Him and ask Him for them! He also desires that His gifts to us are treasured.
Now back to Proverbs… just a Solomon ask “Will you treasure my wisdom?“ I believe that same question is in the heart of our Lord. When we treasure something we care for it for it is so special to us, and we handle it as a valuable thing. We do not put it on a “shelf“ where it collects dust. No! We use it and we use it often. Wisdom especially should be something we return to often no matter how big or small our questions or problems may be.
God desires that we treasure His wisdom, and not lean on our own understanding. So today and every day it would be good to refresh ourselves with the question, “Do I treasure His wisdom in my life today?” It is as we treasure His wisdom that we will continue to acquire the beautiful treasures of it that we need to walk the path of His righteousness for His Name’s sake in this life.