Devotional for Wednesday, February 15, 2017
“Let Every Man…”

by Dona Hake
Today we will meditate upon the wisdom that James wrote to us. ” Let every man be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” These are words that are power packed and full of wisdom for us to keep us out of trouble!
The other day I was watching the news while having my morning coffee. The reporter was quoting someone that must have made a controversial comment. Then the news person said, “After this commercial we will be continuing our report on this.” I could hardly wait to hear the rest of the interview for they were going to talk to one of my favorite contributors, and he was going to give his opinion regarding the news report. Because I highly regard this contributor’s advice I was anxious to hear his reaction to this controversial remark. This man’s words are always seasoned with wisdom and I highly respect him for that. As the reporter began to question this contributor he sat quietly for a few seconds after being asked his opinion and this was his remark…
“Sometimes you should not say what you think… Just because.”
I loved this gentleman’s wisdom for it spoke volumes. The truth he summed up in these few words is that sometimes words can really cause a lot of unnecessary damage. His response was profound and there were no more words that needed spoken. I can remember once sharing with my Granddaughters the following, “Just because a thought comes into your head does not mean that the thought should become words that come out of your mouth!” Words can be healing or they can be hurtful. Sometimes we can save ourselves a world of hassle just by keeping our mouth shut!
So today I challenge you to be careful of the words you speak especially if you may embrace a strong opinion about something. Many times one can feel because what they are saying is truth that it should be received, but the truth is….it makes a world of difference if those words are spoken in a spirit of humility and proper timing. James wrote some good and healthy advice to us about being slow to speak and being a good listener. He cautioned us to be careful with the words we speak, and guard ourselves from exhibiting anger.
James 1:19 (AMP)
“Understand [this], my beloved brethren.
Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener],
slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry.”
I think about how many arguments would be avoided if this simple and profound verse was mastered . If one does not give their full attention to the one speaking to them, there will more than likely be words that are spoken which could be inappropriate or hurtful. This verse has a wealth of wisdom in it for us. I think it is just as important to listen to another’s heart as well as the words that proceed from their mouth. After we have really listened let us think thoroughly before we open our mouth. Again I say many times we may feel that we have the right answer to cure someone’s problem yet it is not the appropriate time for that word to be spoken.
Let us ask the Lord to have sensitive hearts that we will listen more sensitively to those around us. Many times we may indeed know what that individual may need but we need to ask the Lord for the proper season to share it. Listening to someone may be the greatest gift we can give. Choice words are even a greater gift to one that is in need.
Proverbs 25:11 (AMP)
“A word fitly spoken and in due season is like
apples of gold in settings of silver.”
Lord, we ask that You help us to guard our tongues that our words will be as choice silver and gold. We thank You for showing us the proper time to speak, and we ask that You help us to be good listeners. In Jesus Name, amen.