Devotional for Wednesday, June 21, 2017
“Refusing To Doubt”

by Dona Hake
Today our devotional will be from James Chapter One, and we are looking at the word ~expect~. I want to share a story with you that I have shared before but it goes along with the thoughts that I am sharing today. A while back I went to the drug store to pick up a few items. I paid for all my items, and headed for the exit door, and the shop lifter alarm went off. Oh my…I hate when this happens!!!! I turned and looked at the young lady that just helped me at the register, and said “What do I do now?” She knew what I meant because I paid for all that was in my bag. I ~expected~ her to deal with this and help me because I knew I paid for it, and she knew I paid for it. She said, “Don’t worry about it, just ignore the alarm and go.” You see, when I walked into the store, I decided what I wanted to buy but in order to walk out the door, it must be paid for first. I knew that I did exactly what was expected of me as a customer. We all know that you do not pick something up and just walk out the door with it without paying for it first. The rule is that you pay first, and then that product is your possession. Today we are looking at rules or guidelines that the Lord has laid out in His Word regarding receiving from Him.
When we pray, God desires we follow specific steps in receiving. We cannot decide to make up our own rules about such things, so why is it at times people think they can create their own rules regarding spiritual things and still~expect~ God to come through for them? Keep that thought in mind and read this scripture:
James 1:6-8 (NIV)
“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,
because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect
to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person
is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
God knows our needs and desires, and as we pray for them we need to be in total faith and not waver. James lays it out here that we MUST believe and no doubting is allowed. He likens a doubter to a wave that is blown and tossed by the wind. You see, when you ask in faith and determine to resist doubt you can expect the desired outcome. James never said that when you asked in faith there will be smooth sailing did he? It is more than likely that we will encounter challenges and detours as we determine to stand in faith for something. No matter what “alarms” go off around us, we are able to stand in faith, because we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have followed the precepts that the Lord has asked of us.
Today I encourage you to be single-minded and stable in all that you do. With God’s help you can, and you will stand in that place of great expectation from Whom all blessings flow!