Devotional for Wednesday, May 23, 2019
“Jesus- Our Refiner”

by Dona Hake
“Remove the worthless things from silver to make
it pure, and a worker can make something beautiful.”
Proverbs 25:4 (ERV)
As believers we are all in the process of change for the Refiner sees the beauty that is in us, He notices our great potential, and He also sees the things that are keeping us from our potential. He knows the things that have to be removed that He is able to refine His work in us. This is the refining and purification that is taking place in our hearts as we humble ourselves to the awesome hands of our Lord. Another version of Proverbs 25:4 speaks of us as vessels.
“Remove the impurities from the silver,
and the smith has material to make a vessel.”
The Lord our Refiner desires to bring our hearts to a fine or pure state; free from impurities. As our Purifier He will cause us to be free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates our hearts.
Many times the pressures and trials of this life will also be used to help us see the things that are in us that either need strengthened or those things that must go for they are our hindrances. Many testimonies are shared about how individuals go through pressures and hardships that they never walked through before. The victory they share is that they experienced God removing things from them that positioned them to be used in a greater way. It is those times of difficultly that can push us to do the soul searching we need for God to work further spiritual growth in us. Again, His refining fire is able to remove anything that would be impure or a hindrance to our spiritual walk.
As we keep our hearts humble before Him He will continue to refine and purify us that we can be vessels that are used by Him in greater ways for the greater work. Praise be to God who is the Refiner and Purifier of our hearts.