Psalm 54:4-5 (VOICE)
“But see now! God comes to rescue me;
the Lord is my valiant supporter.”
the Lord is my valiant supporter.”
God desires to help us strategically win and He promises supernatural strength to us as we lean upon Him in our day of battle. Thank God that in our time of trouble He desires to rescue us for as this scripture says, He is the valiant supporter. The word valiant means: boldly courageous;brave; and stout-hearted. Even if one is alone in the natural they really are never alone if God is on their side! It is so wonderful to know that the Ultimate Strength is standing with us, and He is on our side.
Today, we are not only looking at God being faithful to rescue but we must always be sure that we are in deed on God’s side. Let us always be careful in the midst of a situation or life’s battle that we are thinking like God, and acting according to His Word. It is all too common for people to look for opinions from others in their time of trouble. People can be well meaning with good intentions but that by no means is an indication that their opinion should lead you in your decision making. May we know that we are listening for the still small voice, the RIGHT voice in our time of trouble. We need to concern ourselves with the knowing that we are standing on the side of God in all matters. Here is a powerful quote by Abraham Lincoln that fits perfectly with our devotion today. In the time of battle and the concerns of it, he spoke these words….
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side;
my greatest concern is to be on God’s side,
for God is always right.”
my greatest concern is to be on God’s side,
for God is always right.”
I want to encourage you today with the truth that it is always important that you are totally loyal to the truth in every area of your life. When we are dwelling and remaining loyal to the truth, this is where we will always find an abundance of strength, help, and wisdom from the Lord our God. There may be times as well that people, especially in friendships can be more loyal to their friendships or relationships than to God’s Word. What do I mean by this? Well, in those times that someone you love dearly asks you for your opinion, are you afraid to state the truth or are you afraid it will upset them? Any relationship that is truly God ordained should be able to withstand, and grow from their friend or spouse speaking firmly and lovingly to them.
Father, help us to stay aware that we are always abiding in your truth. We know that You are all truth, and that brings us strength in our day of trouble. Help us as well to have the courage to speak the truth even when it may not be the most popular thing to do. Help us to be mindful to stay on Your side, the side of truth, and cause us to speak truth in Your Spirit of love.