by Dona Hake
I have shared with you before that I am part of a photography group in which a daily prompt is assigned. Today’s prompt is ON MY MIND. I felt to share my image I photographed and submitted. The following is what I have shared with the image…
day 15
~ on my mind ~
~ on my mind ~
“I am quite sure that those seeing me laying on the ground of the driveway to my church were wondering what was on my mind as I was photographing this thriving little flower. When I shared…”Bloom where you are planted!” they understood a bit better what I was seeing and what was on my mind. You see, I have been observing these beautiful little marigolds that are blooming in concrete with no tending other than the sun and rain from the hand of the Lord.
Sometimes things like this just speak to my heart and mind for they are analogies of the life in which we live. These flowers make me think of those that make a decision to stand strong, persevere and bloom…even though the odds are against them. I am reminded as well of times when things should not have worked out for me but the Lord took an impossible circumstance and turned into into an opportunity of possibility. So this is what is on my mind!”
Mark 10:27
“…With men it is impossible; but not with God: for all things are possible with God.”
“…With men it is impossible; but not with God: for all things are possible with God.”
Today I encourage you to bloom where you are planted. Stand strong whether the storms of life are trying to bring you down, and discourage your heart. May we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the hand of our Lord is upon us, and it is He that is well able to turn impossibilities into possibilities!