Devotional for Monday, April 18, 2016
“Believing Is Seeing!”

by Dona Hake
There are so many Bible stories that were recorded to encourage our faith for these were the warriors of faith that lived and died and they are now in Heaven. Their lives and great stories serve to encourage our faith. So many of the stories that are my favorite make me wish I could go back and just be there in that great moment in time. Today we are looking at John 20:25-30 where the disciples had just experienced Jesus making an appearance after His death. As Jesus entered the room where they were assembled He spoke peace over them, and they were thrilled and amazed to see Him again. This is one of those moments you wished you could have been a fly on the wall just to see the expressions on everyone’s face!
Can you imagine being there seeing the Lord walk toward you and then you notice His nail scarred hands and His side? I cannot even imagine the emotions that went through their souls. For them to see their Lord suffer as He was brutally crucified and, and now He stands before them alive again. I tell you what I cannot imagine is being one of the twelve. Today we will look at the one disciple that was not there and his name was Thomas. Oh my…talk about the disappointment he must have felt or did he? Thomas’ reaction to hearing that they saw Jesus was not disappointment but rather he made a statement of doubt and unbelief. You got to give it to Thomas, he was being honest and he just was not buying this story unless there was proof and he stated what proof he wanted.
John 20:25-30
Easy-to-Read Version
“They told him, “We saw the Lord.” Thomas said, “That’s hard to believe. I will have to see the nail holes in his hands, put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side. Only then will I believe it.”
A week later the followers were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Put your hand here in my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”
Jesus said to him, “You believe because you see me. Great blessings belong to the people who believe without seeing me!”
Imagine with me what must of gone through Thomas’ thoughts and feelings when he finally got to see Jesus. I can just see Jesus walking toward Thomas and after his eyes saw His nail scarred hands and scar on Jesus’ side, Thomas exclaimed “My Lord and my God!” I keep visualizing the possibility of Thomas dropping to his knees in total awe and humility, and he began to worship his Lord. Every bit of doubt melted away and his heart was filled with renewed faith.
Jesus knew Thomas’ heart before He entered the room and He addressed Thomas’ doubt right away. He knew what Thomas needed to see and Jesus showed Him. To me this story reminds me that we in times of unbelief are challenged to just believe before we see the end result. I encourage you to ponder this story in your heart to just believe that He is alive and desires to show Himself to you however you need Him to. Are you troubled? Sad? Sick? Jesus just wants you to believe that He can be whatever you need Him to be as you release your faith in prayer. His loving, nail scarred hands are ready to touch your life today!