Devotional for Monday, May 23, 2016
“His Inseparable Love”

by Dona Hake
Romans 8:39 ERV “….nothing in the whole created world— will ever be able to separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I find these to be such powerful words written by the Apostle Paul. Think about it. There is not one thing in all of this earth that can separate us from His perfect love. Let us look at what the word separate means, and I think this will bring you an even deeper revelation of this scripture. To be separated is:
to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space:
to put, bring, or force apart; part:
to set apart; disconnect; dissociate
Now let us look at how nothing can separate us from Him in light of these definitions. No matter what we face or how hard the devil tries to discourage us we can not be kept apart from the presence of our Lord, and His life giving love. There are no barriers strong enough to keep us from Him. There are no forces great enough to overcome the power of His love! We will not be set apart from Him!
Saying all of those words I must say this as well. Our lives are full of things. May our hearts be dedicated to His love as He is dedicated to us. You know we purpose to set time aside to eat, sleep, work and play. Let us be ever so diligent to carve out moments during the day and dedicate them to sit in His presence and acknowledge Him. Talk with Him about how you feel and what you fear. Ask Him about everything that concerns you. He is bound to you by His love! Do not go by feelings and do not go by what you see. He is ALWAYS with you and nothing can separate you from Him. Praise Him because of His inseparable love for you!!