Devotional for Sunday, May 29, 2016
“Looking At God’s Wisdom”

by Dona Hake
Today let us look closely at the beauty in God’s wisdom that proceeds only from His heart. His wisdom is pure and untainted. God wants to bestow upon us His pure wisdom as we humbly desire and ask for it. You know we really do need it for every area of our life.
James 3:17 (The Voice)
“Heavenly wisdom centers on purity,
peace, gentleness, deference, mercy,
and other good fruits untainted by hypocrisy.”
The dictionary says that wisdom is knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. We all well know that there is worldly wisdom, and many times this wisdom is not good, in fact James speaks of worldly wisdom as being evil and devilish at times. God desires that we look to walk in His wisdom, but we must understand what it is. When we ask God for His wisdom He desires to bless us with pure thoughts and good judgement. His wisdom is full of mercy, peace, and gentleness. His ways and answers are not harsh or hypocritical.
There will be times in this life that we may be encountered with questions that are too difficult to give answers to. As believers we can feel that we always have to have answers for people’s questions and problems, and there will be those times in which we could find ourselves at loss for words. In those times that we lack knowing the answers to questions to humbly admit that we do not know. In saying that we do not know the answer, we can proclaim that we KNOW the One who does have every answer we need, and He is faithful to answer the prayer of a righteous man or woman. It is in those times that we can believe the Lord with that individual in need that God will grant them the wisdom and guidance that they need in their situation.
As you ask God for His precious wisdom for those difficult situations, believe by faith that it is going to flow toward you, and flow forth from you as pure fresh living water. This is what we need and this is what people around us need…not our opinions, not our experiences, but rather the pure, life giving wisdom that comes only from above. Today we thank You Lord for giving us Your sweet wisdom that flows from Your heart to us that we may live and walk closer to You!