


Devotional for Sunday, July 24, 2016
“He Refines and Purifies Our Hearts”




Jesus A Refiner

by Dona Hake


Proverbs 25:4 (ERV)

“Remove the worthless things from

silver to make it pure, and a worker

can make something beautiful.”


 You are so valuable and He loves you so much.  As we read this scripture we can see that there is a process that we are all walking through as we grow in Him.  There is a refining and purification that is taking place in our hearts as we deeply humble ourselves to His Mighty life changing Word.   Another version of Proverbs 25:4 is translated like this:



“Remove the impurities from the silver,
and the smith has material to make a vessel.”


The Lord our Refiner desires to  bring us to a refined or a pure state; free from impurities.  As our Purifier He will cause us to be free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates our hearts.  God wants every bit of us so He can use us in wonderful ways to glorify Him on this earth.


In the forty three years that I have known the Lord I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have heard people share from the depths of their hearts as they walked through a difficult trial.  Many at the end of the trial admit that they experienced  God removing things from them that positioned them to be used in a greater way.  Many times those difficult situations can actually cause us to do the soul searching we need to do, and God is able to work in ways that exceed our comprehension.  As we keep our hearts humble before Him I believe He will continue to refine and purify us that we can serve and be used by Him in greater ways.  Praise be to the God who is the Refiner and Purifier!