by Dona Hake
I have a wooden piece that sits on top of my cabinet that encases my mirror in our guest bathroom. Everyone that ever looks into this mirror cannot help but look up and read…
“By the grace of God…I am what I am.”
I want it there for the purpose of reminding myself and others to be happy with how the Lord has created them. It always reminds me that all that has been done in me is ONLY by the grace of God. It speaks to my heart to draw upon Him for all that I need and to turn my back on my own ability. On the wall to the right I have written on a little chalkboard plaque…”His grace is more than enough.” This serves to remind me too that if I am ever tempted to think I cannot do what He is requiring of me, that I stop, pull up by “boot straps”, and go with the grace of God! Today I hope to encourage you to remind yourself of these truths.
When you look in the mirror, and you are tempted to compare who you are to others around you …STOP! God lovingly and fearfully created you and put gifts within you to serve those around you. Romans 12:6 (CJB)”But we have gifts that differ and which are meant to be used according to the grace that has been given to us.” In those times that you feel you cannot face another day and do what is required of you, remind yourself that all you need is to rest on His grace, for it is more than enough. When Paul came to the end of his strength, he realized he was in the greatest position ever to live drawing on God’s grace.
2 Corinthians 12:9
“But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are
weak can everything be done completely by my power.”
His grace is all that we need to do all that we need to do!