by Dona Hake
Psalm 23:4 (AMP)
Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear or
dread no evil, for You are with me…”
Death is one of those things that is a very hard thing to face. In this life we will lose loved ones, we may have experienced the death of a relationship or death of a dream. No matter how you look at it, when you walk through it, it is a very dark time.
It is important to look and focus on one very important word within this verse and that word is “through.” The Psalmist said we would walk THROUGH valleys but one thing for sure, and that is we can be comforted knowing that He is with us. Because He is with us we need not be afraid, and we are going THROUGH it with Him! God can get us THROUGH anything.
I can remember dreading the “dark valley” as I knew my mother was dying. One particular morning I woke up and my heart was so down and full of sorrow. It was on that day that we were tell her she had cancer. It was beyond words how badly I dreaded facing that day. I wanted it too just all go away and be better. I was scared to walk through this valley and I hated every minute of it. I sat quietly on the edge of my bed and His still small voice spoke to my heart “The deeper the valley, the deeper the strength.” As long as I live I will never forget the power that rose up in my spirit that morning.
God helped me that day to embrace a greater revelation of this truth. He imparted unto me a strength that was so deep that it was beyond words, and human comprehension. It was a spiritual strength that only He could equip me with for the walk that I had to take.
You see, the bigger the problem, the more we need to see that we in ourselves cannot cope with pain and sorrow. We cannot draw on the faith and strength from yesterday. We must draw upon the strength only He can give, and that is what we need for the moment we are living in. It is only Him that can take our hand in our deepest valley and strengthen us with a strength we have ever known. With His strength, grace and peace, He enables us to walk THROUGH anything.