Devotional for Friday, January 11, 2019
“Careful to Obey”

Luke 1:6 “Zachariah and Elizabeth were righteous
in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the
Lords Commandments and regulations.”
As I read this portion of scripture my eyes were fixed on three words, “…careful to obey.“
When one is careful about something they are cautious in their actions, they are exact and thorough. Now think of that in light of our obedience in all that we do in accordance to the Word of God.
Oh that we would be so careful to obey, and consider God’s Word in our lives at all times. Upon every word, every decision, and every manner of behavior. Oh that we hold this as our highest priority to know that we are pleasing God in everything.
Today I encourage you to be careful to obey His Word in thought, words, and your actions. It is then that your life will echo His Name as you walk in His paths of righteousness. This world desperately needs to see believers in the Lord Jesus Christ holding fast and carefully obeying His Word, and being a testimony of all that He is.