by Dona Hake
I would like to continue with sharing about the precious peace of our Lord. It is so wonderful that we can be saturated, permeated, and filled to the full with God’s peace. I find it interesting that the Lord has so many blessings that can surpass our understanding. In other words they can not be figured out. With faith He wants us to just believe and not be moved by what we see nor should we be moved by what we do not see. It always comes back to the fact that we have to keep our mind, will and emotions out of the picture. We need to keep all of our being submitted to Him and continue to
allow Him to transform us.
allow Him to transform us.
Today I want to share about Him straightening your paths. Many times in our lives we may encounter feeling like we do not know what direction to go or we feeling like we are on a crooked and bumpy road. You may feel you are in a place that you have never been before and it could potentially bring apprehension or fear to your heart, which in turn could rob us of our peace.
My GPS has always taught me little analogies of trusting in God especially when I feel like I am clueless about what to do in a situation. I can remember once that my GPS took me totally off course from a very busy, high traffic means of travel to a beautiful and scenic way. I had absolutely no clue where I was yet I totally trusted that the GPS was keeping me on course…it was just a different course.
Because this device has shown me it is faithful and accurate, I just sat back and enjoyed the journey to my destination.
As I was pondering this devotion and the following scripture I began to think how many times in life we just do not know nor do we understand what we are to do and we just need to simply trust Him and keep our mind, our smarts, and our opinion out of the equation.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ” Trust in the Lord with all your
heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
Him, And He will make your paths straight.”
heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
Him, And He will make your paths straight.”
I encourage you today to trust Him with all of your heart. One way that we can rest and trust is to stop over thinking how we feel God is going to work. Allow Him to take us places in the Spirit that we have never been before and enjoy the journey. Many times He takes us places just so He can show more of Himself to us. He wants to surprise us with so many things as we just let go and believe Him to make our paths straight.