by Dona Hake
I was recently talking with an individual, and we were discussing how sad it is that Christmas’ meaning is weakening. This woman said to me, “Where is Jesus in Christmas anymore? Where is salvation?” I know many people wonder this, and in our politically correct world in which we live, we are waking up to more and more things that are “no-no’s” for us as we speak. It is so sad, and I find it appalling. We as believers need to stay strong and hold fast that we may speak our hearts in love and boldness. I believe as we do this that there will be hearts that will hear and receive the truth.
Today I just want to share from one of many people’s favorite Christmas Carol entitled “Joy To the World”. Did you know that this song was authored by Isaac Watts in the 1600’s? This advent humn is one of Watts’ hymns from his well-known hymnals of 1719 entitled “Psalms of David Imitate in the Language of the New Testament.” This song is truly for the Christian that realizes the spiritual significance that God Himself invaded this world and provided a means whereby sinful man might live eternally.
Let us look at the third verse. Many times people are only familiar with certain verses, and this verse really blesses me. If you are like me, I cannot read this, I sing it to myself with the “Joy To the World tune!
“No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as the curse is found.”
Today I leave you with the meditation that salvation came, and His Name is Jesus. Where anything has been cursed, the Lord has come to make His blessings flow over them, and overtake them. No more do we need to allow sorrows to grow, nor thorns be allowed to infest the “gardens” of our hearts. What a blessing and celebration this should be for us as we ponder this thought. Joy to the world! Salvation has come!