Psalm 111:10
Today I want to share with you about the value of living every day of your life wisely as you serve the Lord. In Proverbs 3:5-6 the Word admonishes us to trust in Him and lean NOT on our own understanding. This scripture will serve to keep us humble and growing in our walk with Him. Many times it can be a struggle to resist leaning upon our knowledge. We live in an age where information is so easy to get our hands on. Any information that we need is at our finger tips as we google in our questions on our computers. Quite honestly, I have found the more I know about things sometimes it can actually hinder my faith. The tendency to trust in what man says above what God says about a particular thing will hinder our faith and trust in the Lord.
Leaning on God for all that we need is so vital, and it must be our pursuit for this is very much a part of living wisely and being a doer of the Word! Living by faith will always challenge us in the realm of thinking we have to see, feel or understand things with our minds. Sometimes we want so badly to understand things that we are walking through, and there are times we may be putting too much focus on figuring things out. Understanding things can be beneficial at times but remember, peace does not come because we understand a problem but rather peace comes from knowing we serve the One that can solve our problem. May our hearts be reminded that His peace surpasses our understanding, and it surpasses the ways and thoughts of man. Even in the midst of turmoil going on within us, we can hold fast to a peace that permeates our soul, and keeps us from being tossed around by the circumstances we are facing.
I know I have shared this before but I love to repeat it because it was a special time of imparting truth to our youngest son. When he was small, he was full of questions, and he tried so hard to understand everything. There was a particular time he was having a very hard time trusting my judgement on a particular thing. I can remember sharing with him that he just needed to respect my judgement, and not try to figure it out for he was just too young to have wisdom on such a matter. I began to share with him that there will be times in life that we will face things that we do not understand. I stressed with him to trust me as his loving mother and authority in his life. I encouraged him in the fact that someday he would understand but for now he just needed to trust me. He submitted to that, and all was well within his soul regarding his questions.