by Dona Hake
We recently had a guest speaker at our church and one of my favorite things he mentioned in the midst of his sermon was the importance of the believer having a clear mind. How valuable and important it is to embrace this truth. The clear minded person is one that embraces peace and order in his or her life.
We hear about TV shows where they go into the homes of hoarders. I cannot imagine how anyone could live like this. The thought of clutter and disorder being left go is hard for me to comprehend. I have also seen shows where people go into situations like this and totally bring everything to order simply by the skills of organization and just getting rid of things. I think God desires that we keep our minds clear and free any “clutter” and undesirable thing.
Today our focus in this devotional is to have NO records of wrong done to us. Let us take caution that we do not have our minds cluttered and occupied with “accounts” that we have created for people. These would be records of the hurt or anger that they may have caused us. Here is what Paul wrote in the Love Chapter.
1 Corinthians 13:5 (CEV)
“Love isn’t selfish
or quick tempered.
It doesn’t keep a record
of wrongs that others do.”
Yes, sometimes it can be hard to forget words and deeds wrongfully done against us, but let us obey His Word. Let us freely forgive those who have upset or offended us just as we have been forgiven. When opportunities arise (and they most certainly will) where people irritate us and get on our nerves, we need to work at just releasing their actions and words, and not dwelling on them. I guarantee you if you dwell on wrong words or actions done to you , it will not be long that your memory will be keeping a bad account of their deeds. God help us to not keep records in our minds that are not worthy of the space they take up. Help us to live with clear minds that are full of Your peace that you may guide us, and live through us everyday!