Isaiah 40:31 – Amplified version
Waiting… Sometimes it is hard for us to just simply wait. Our impatience and wanting everything instantly is simply one of our worst hindrances. Our impatience can easily rob us as we step out in faith. Isaiah shared the secret of this word wait, and how it will cause us to walk in new strength. His words encourage us to expect from God, look for God, and have our hope only in Him.
I am praising the living God today because He has promised me that He diligently and constantly watches over me…so I watch for Him. He is true to His Word…so I expect from Him. He provides my feet a firm place to stand so I stay put when He shows me how to stand, and my trust is only in Him for He has showed His many works that He is God that is trustworthy…so my hope will not be disapointed! In those times I feel wearied I can wait and expect to lift of the wings of my heart of faith and rise up, running with great strength!
I encourage you today to meditate on this simple truth. No matter how young or old you are in your Christian walk, may we constantly refresh ourselves in this truth of our Lord.