The diligent hand proceeds from the heart that desires to live productively in everything they put their hand to. It is so wonderful to experience the fruit of our accomplishment after we have done what we know we have set our heart to do!
A farmer or a individual that loves to do vegetable gardening understands the importance of diligently tending a garden in order that it be healthy and thriving. After of summer of faithful weeding and tending a garden or crop, the harvest is going to come. Once it comes one may desire to freeze or can the abundance of their fruits. Whatever the choice of preserving it, it must be done, and there is no time to waste. It is such a blessing to pull a vegetable out of your freezer or a canned veggie or fruit in the cold of winter. Oh the joy of enjoying the fruit of our diligent, hard working hands!
Our time is so valuable and precious, and we must purpose to never waste a minute of our day. I have a little hour glass and as the sand flows through it, there is a measure of time that passes. This little hour glass reminds me that once that sand flows through it that a particular “time” has passed and I can not get it back. Many times people fail to realize the time they are living, and they are missing opportunities for some reason or other. The time goes and so has the opportunity. Just as opportunities come and they call for our diligence in a specific time, there are also other things in life that require our diligence in order that we sow, reap, and enjoy blessings.
I encourage you today to desire the heart and hands of the diligent and be blessed. Guard you time and spend it wisely. Diligence is a good thing and it leads to abundant blessing!
Proverbs 21:5 Amplified Bible
“The thoughts of the [steadily] diligent
tend only to plenteousness…”