Thursday, May 17, 2018

Devotional for Thursday, May 17, 2018
“Living By Faith”
by Dona Hake
“The path we walk is charted by faith,
not by what we see with our eyes.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 – the Voice
This is the course the Lord has set before us, we are to walk by faith and not by sight. Oh how tempting it is at times to be moved by what we see or do not see, and what we feel. One evening while we were visiting in North Wales with Brother Arthur Burt there was a precious blind couple that was present in the meeting. They shared a parable with us that evening,  and it exhorted us all in our faith. This was the parable they shared:
“There was a guide dog leading a blind man. If he was to  override the guidance of the seeing eye dog, and go off course, who takes the blame??? It is necessary for us to entrust our eyes to the eyes of the our dog. So it is, we need to be blind (or deny our senses in the natural) that the Holy Spirit can lead us as we totally yield to His eyes and direction.“
As I read this once again from the notes I took many years ago, I was reminded how easy it is to think that I am walking in faith yet I may be depending too much on my feelings and emotions. I pray this will encourage your heart to seek Him for an even deeper walk of faith as you totally yield to His eyes and direction.