Devotional for Thursday, November 8, 2018
“His Grace Upon the Works of Your Hands”

by Dona Hake
2 Corinthians 9:8 (CEB)
God has the power to provide you with
more than enough
of every kind of grace.
That way,
you will have everything you need always
and in everything to
provide more than enough
for every kind of good work.
Look closely at the specific words that I have underlined. To have more than enough means that you will everything you need ALWAYS for every kind of good work. He also wants to bless and provide us with His grace for MANY KINDS of good works! This scripture just really blesses me. I love meditating on the fact that God is desiring to shower us with His all sufficient grace as we set out to do His will. He is watching over the MANY KINDS of good works that are in His plan for us today. Keep you heart and eyes open for unforeseen divine opportunities and appointments in which He desires to use you! He wants to shower our works that are done according to His will with great grace!
Today, look let us look to Him with great desire to be a living example of excellence in all that we put our hands to. Draw upon His great grace, and wait expectantly for Him to shower it upon you. It is as we do this that we will demonstrate that He is the God that is more than enough! We shall be testimonies of being living trees planted by water, yielding fruit, and prospering in every good work!!
Psalm 1:3 (ESV)
“He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.”