Devotional for Tuesday, May 16, 2017
“Walk As Jesus Walked”

by Dona Hake
I am feeling to share about being an imitator of Christ today. I was inspired the other evening while I was working in my backyard to bring you this devotional to encourage and stir your heart. It was so beautiful to just enjoy the setting sun, a calm breeze and seeing nature all around me looking so beautiful. As I was working I noticed some beautiful songs from what seemed to be so many different song birds. I stopped, and listened and it sounded as if there were 15 birds taking turns one at a time patiently waiting for their turn to singing their very own song. Once again a cute little Mockingbird really fooled me with it’s accuracy as it perfectly mimicked so many different birds. To me this is so amazing that God created this little creature to do such a thing. It simply repeats what it hears, and it is quite entertaining. This little story will serve as an analogy of a truth in God’s Word for us. It is found in 1 John Chapter 2…If you say you have accepted Jesus then it is our moral obligation to walk the talk.
As we study God’s Word diligently, and seek to hear and know His voice, you can be sure that your words and actions will begin to be more and more as Jesus’ words and actions were. He said that we would do even greater works. So friend, I encourage you today to keep your heart challenged to walk as He walked, talk as He talked for this is the will of our Lord for every believer’s life.
Father, we ask this day that You be our Helper and our Guide. Help us to know the way in which we are to walk that we are representing Your life, light, and love for we are earthen vessels that desire to be used for Your purposes. In Jesus Name, amen!
1 John 2:6 AMP version
“Whoever says he lives in Christ [that is, whoever says he has
accepted Him as God and Savior] ought [as a moral obligation]
to walk and conduct himself just as He walked and conducted Himself.”