Devotional 4/1/20
“Drink Deeply”

“O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good;
How blessed [fortunate, prosperous,
and favored by God] is the man
who takes refuge in Him.”
Psalm 34:8 – AMP
Psalm 34:8 – AMP
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! What a wonderful scripture to meditate upon. This scripture is calling upon us to do something though, and that is first of all taste and then see. The word we will be looking at over the next few days is ~drink~. The Hebrew root word for “see” in this scripture means to drink deeply.. Let us read this scripture from the Passion Translation now…
“Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God.
Experience for yourself the joyous mercies
he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him.
Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve
been made holy! For all who fear him
will feast with plenty.”
Psalm 34:8-9 – The Passion Translation
I encourage you today to let your heart be challenged by these scriptures. Do you desire to drink deeply of all of your Lord’s provision or are there times you simply sip from the still waters He has led you to? God desires that we be full of Him yet having continued thirst for Him. Why?….so that we have more than enough to live on, and that we be in a position share with those in need. I encourage you today to drink deeply of all He has for you!
“As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,
So my soul pants [longingly] for You,
O God. My soul (my life, my inner self)
thirsts for God, for the living God…”
Psalm 42:1-2a-AMP
Psalm 42:1-2a-AMP