by Dona Hake
“You Prepare A Table For Me In the Presence of My Enemies”
As I have been reading from the experience of a shepherd, he speaks of the tableland for his sheepfold. Before the shepherd attempts to move his sheep to these high plateaus he must go before them and make preparations. He looks over the rough, wild country and with great care distributes salt and minerals for the nourishment of his flock. He goes over the range carefully to determine how vigorous the grass and vegetation is. His keen eye and wisdom and initiative will cause his flock to be safe and they will thrive. One of the most important things is the shepherd’s attention that he gives is to the removal of the poisonous weeds on a tableland that could kill his sheep if they ingest them.
I see an analogy here as to the importance that we take hold of being led by the Spirit of God. Our Good Shepherd always has our well being in mind and is watching over us. As we are led by Him and we purpose to heed to His instruction and admonishment we will continually be moving forward with Him to higher places in the will of God for our life.
“I have set the Lord always before me…”
The Bible speaks of the Devil appearing as an angel of light. Let us always be mindful that there will be things that may appear good yet they are evil. As we stay close to Him and permit Him to show us the “poisonous” things that could cause us to stumble, it will always be to our benefit. Let us remember that our Master has been there ahead of us coping with every situation which could undo us. As we make the decision to keep Him before us, we will continue to move forward with a discerning heart and have the ability to know that which is good and that which is evil. Thank God today that He is well able to cause your mind and heart to be led by Him in all things.